Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 2, 2011

Turkey Fruit Snacks

Since the turkey sandwich was such a big hit with Big Brother, I wanted to do something similar today for snack while I watched the kiddos (I watch a friend's kids a couple of times a week).  
To make your vegetarian turkeys, you'll need:
   -an apple (or more depending on how many you're making)
   -fruit leather or fruit rollup
   -sprinkles or edible ink pen
   -peanut butter, cream cheese, or frosting (to hold everything together)
   -a knife
- For the body of the turkey, cut the round sides off of a washed apple, like this:

- Use the apple flesh to cut oblong-type shapes for the head/neck and attach to the body using your desired spread of choice
- From the fruit leather/rollup, cut feathers.  I was able to get 5 per fruit leather, like this:

- Cut small triangles from cheese for the beak and attach using spread of choice.
- Place the sprinkles for eyes & wattle (those happen to be red car sprinkles)
- And....voila, turkey fruit snacks!  


A fun snack for the week or a perfect healthy turkey treat for the kids' Thanksgiving table!

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